Using Module Initializers
Code at github.
Module Initializers is something most .Net developers has never heard about. It’s a part of .Net, but not supported in the C# language (as C# does not support global functions). However, since .Net itself supports it, you should be aware that it exists. A Module Initializer is a piece of code that runs before any other code in the .Net application, and can be triggered in some situations even with just reading metadata:
Either by:
var assembly = Assembly.Load("SomeProject"); //Use ReflectionOnlyLoad
var type = assembly.GetType("SomeProject.SomeClass");
var attributes = type.GetMethod("SomeMethod").GetCustomAttributes();
By using fody with ModuleInit link, you can actually create Module Initializers in a C# project. What it does is copy the compiled IL of a special method, and creating a Module Initializer out of it.
public static void Initialize()
var ad = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
var ps = ad.PermissionSet;
Console.WriteLine("Works Do bad stuff here!");
catch(MethodAccessException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exeption Happend! :O");
If you don’t want this code to run for some reason, ex if want to setup a sandbox for some protection with partial trusted code.
It could be wise to use Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad()
instead of Assembly.Load()